Dancing Echoes

Beats Stumbling Around in Silence


“For the Star Festival”


for the Star Festival
even when hearts cannot meet

Dancing Echoes:

fire and paper unite
lifting spirits young and old

In response to CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI: Carpe Diem Tan Renga Challenge #87, Basho’s “for the Star Festival”



IMG_0942Call it Perdido;
Water, wind or well explode through,
At the embouchure

I don’t usually like to explain my poems. I want people to interpret them in their own way, like them or not, without any muddling from me. In this case I am going to make an exception. I am very proud of this poem. It is one of my favorites because it has three distinct meanings. Most of the time I put a lot of thought into my poetry. Some come easily, some take a lot of work, tweaking, etc. but most are pretty straightforward descriptions. Not so with this one and in this case I am going to point the reader in a general direction. I am doing this because several people read this poem and did not understand it. These are smart people, some are even musicians (hint 1) so I decided folks didn’t get it because it is too personal or maybe it isn’t that good and I’m delusional. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened. So without further ado, the clues to the haiku are in the definitions of Perdido and embouchure.
I wrote this haiku last fall but it took me until this weekend to take the photograph I wanted because they were dredging the pass (hint 2) for months and the dredge barge was not exactly attractive.
So here is the challenge: what are the three meanings of this poem?

Please check out CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI: Carpe Diem #740 a clam. This challenge is a brilliant example of haiku with several meanings and I am in awe of and inspired by Chèvrefeuille’s poetry.


CDHK Haiku Kukai “Summertime”


Summer Sand

Fine, white, sugar sand
Scrunches under tan bare feet
Children squeal with joy

imageSummer Pulse

Rhythmic pulse of waves
Short snore, long shush with each pass
Sun glints on turquoise

imageSummer Umbrellas

Totems in bright sun
Striped guards standing over chairs
Awaiting devotees

In response to CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI: CDHK Haiku Kukai “Summertime”




Sea level blow out
Broken pieces left behind
Dark sea to reclaim

Inspired by Mark Bialczak’s *great line:

Momentary slip
*Flop forever lost its flip
Soft flesh, sand and grip

Flip has lost its flop
That unmistakable pop
Shoe about to drop

In response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Broken