Dancing Echoes

Beats Stumbling Around in Silence

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Autumn Voices


After the geese are long gone
I sense the trace they leave behind
Their skyward voice a path
Fading off into the distance

Using these five words: [ GONE – SENSE – TRACE – VOICE – PATH ]

In response to The Secret Keeper: Weekly Writing Challenge #59




Being in nature
I am reminded that
I am merely a portal
A channel for the universe
Part of a greater web
Of connections and purpose
And I find solace in the thought
All that have come before me
All that will come after me
Are part of a bigger plan

In response to Patrick Jennings Pic and a Word Challenge 59: Channel


Full Circle


Pattering of rain
Unfurling tender young leaves
Painting blooming buds

Misty mountain air
The solitude of silence
Meditating monk

River of steelhead
Race against a summer breeze
She gasps her last breath

Seeds scattered on snow
Sparrows flit with excitement
Against a blue sky


Chèvrefeuille has listed twelve (12) words, one word for every hour. The goal is to write haiku using the words as given in the clockwise way.

Here are the twelve (12) words, one word for every hour you have to use for the challenge:

1. rain
2. young leaves
3. buds
4. mountain
5. silence
6. monk
7. river
8. summer breeze
9. she
10. snow
11. sparrow (s)
12. blue sky

In response to CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI: Carpe Diem Full Circle #2-2016
The challenge ends October 27th at 10.00 PM (CET). Please check out the link if you want to respond to the challenge and to read the participants beautiful responses.




It’s the scars you don’t see
That represent the most damage
The scars that forced a change
That I resisted until I broke
So that healing could begin

In response to Patrick Jennings Pic and a Word Challenge #58: Healing