Dancing Echoes

Beats Stumbling Around in Silence

Five Photos, Five Stories – Day One: Fog



Wispy fog hovers
Swirling into ghostly patterns
Glistening dew drops

Thank you Clare at My Creative Cosmos for inviting me to join this wonderful challenge.

This photo was taken May 8, 2015.

This is a haiku that I texted my husband the morning after I met him seven years ago. Of course I didn’t know we would eventually marry when I met him, but I did know he inspired me. Not a bad start.
I recently found a picture of the haiku that I snapped off the old phone I was using at the time. We had a habit of texting poems to each other and when I upgraded my phone I realized the record of our relationship which historically would have been archived by paper (yes, I’m “paper” year old) was going to be lost every time I did an upgrade. So, I started taking pictures of our texts so that I would have a record of our courtship (yes, I’m “courtship” years old too) and our poems. So when I found the long lost copy of this haiku amongst my photos I thought, I need to post that on my blog but since my self imposed challenge is “a poem and a photo” I had to come up with a picture. Normally by May, our days are hot enough that fog is a remote possibility so I figured I would have to hang on to this haiku until the fall. Then lo and behold, this morning there was fog swirling everywhere when I woke up. The water was still cool enough compared to the air that fog formed over night. I excitedly grabbed my phone (another internal challenge is to take photographs with just my phone) and headed outside to see what I could find. By the time I spied the dew drops forming on the bamboo, the sun was already burning off most of the fog but I still managed to get a few “keepers” before the sun baked everything dry. I kept meaning to start this challenge but life kept getting in the way. Then today’s weekly photo challenge was: Forces of Nature and a light bulb went off in my head. OK, now I have a focused theme and I can do this challenge. Fog is a more gentle force of nature but it is a mood inducing force none the less.
Was meeting my inspiring husband seven years ago a “force of nature”? I’d like to think so.

OK, here is where I am going rogue. I am supposed to nominate five folks for each of the five days I post. I even started to ask permission of a some folks of who’s blogs I love and admire if I could nominate them before realizing that these folks either have a policy about not being nominated for awards or have already met this challenge. I eagerly accepted this challenge from Clare (even though I am usually adverse to them) because I really liked it, I was inspired by what Clare created and thought it was a perfect fit for my type of blog. I was also attempting to get out of my comfort zone and expand my writing beyond the haiku (I found this aspect to be the biggest challenge especially with my hectic work schedule, not to mention my lack of writing confidence). Plus, Clare asked me ahead of her posting so I had plenty of time to decide if I wanted to accept her nomination which I did eagerly -although that was two months ago. With that being said, the only part of this challenge I did not like was asking someone else to participate. While these so-called-award nominations can be a wonderful way to honor a respected blog, they are also a vehicle for passing on the “hot potato of guilt” by putting that someone on the spot. Let me be clear, I was in no way put on the spot in this challenge but I have certainly been put on the spot before and I don’t like it. My inability to nominate folks for this challenge is my problem. So here is how I am going to tackle my problem: I am not going to pass on this guilt. If I follow you, I admire and respect your work. If you would like to take on this challenge, please do so as I would very much like to follow what you create. I will be posting four more of these photos, haiku and stories guilt free with the hope of inspiring someone else to take a shot at it. If you take on the challenge and want to follow the original rules, I think that is great so here are what the rules are supposed to be:

The Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge rules require you to post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or simply a short paragraph – it’s entirely up to you.

Then each day, nominate another blogger to carry on this challenge.

Accepting the challenge is entirely up to the person nominated, it is not a command. Today, I invite (insert nominee here) to join the challenge.

I would like to give a special “Thanks” to all of the wonderful bloggers that follow and support me and especially to Clare for being so patient with me.

This is also a response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Forces of Nature which inspired a theme for my five day challenge and will be incorporated in each of the five posts.

Author: Dancing Echoes

I am a scientist by trade and artist by soul. My creative outlet used to be dancing but due to injuries and age, I must now find another path. I am hoping my writing, poetry and photography can be this new path. Awards: While I am grateful and honored for the numerous nominations, I don’t have time to respond to them with the attention they deserve, so for the most part, I am an award free blog. All photographs and words are mine unless otherwise credited. © 2015-2024 Dancing Echoes ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Christy Draper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on Dancing Echoes.

30 thoughts on “Five Photos, Five Stories – Day One: Fog

  1. Impressive detail on this photo.
    I just figured out who my email was from! And now I know your name. I do like a bit of mystery and solved this one in the same day, happy to say. I will email you back after the weekend. Enjoy it and talk soon Christy 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry about that. I should have attached my blog address so you could connect the dots. We chatted before and I thought I had already sent you that info. As you can see I figured out how to have my challenge cake and eat it too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You know, I think you did mention your first name before *embarrassed* It must have been out of context and with last name that threw me off. Sorry to be such a dork!

    I admire your challenge multi-tasking abilities. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You are hardly a dork. I was the one not paying attention -so not so good at multitasking as you give me credit for.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Christy,

    What a lovely story. I think I belong to the same paper and courtship generation and regret losing messages from my phone about four years ago.

    Don’t worry about passing on the ‘guilt’. (Skip that part altogether if you like.) Thank you for accepting the challenge I presented you with and I look forward to reading the rest of your stories. I think this is a wonderful way to get to know someone.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. G’day Crispy

    I love it when you write from your big, beautiful heart, I find it inspiring and right now I need all the inspiration I can get. Thanks.

    Love Red

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for the kind words. I really like this challenge and am honored you thought of me. I just have a guilt complex over passing it on. It took me so long to prepare and if I accept a nomination I am both grateful but feel beholden to keep up my end of the bargain. So the guilt eats at me until I finish what I promised myself I would do. A good trait to have overall I think but sometimes exhausting. The one-off weekly challenges are easy because I have the weekend to prepare and they either come to me or they don’t. As I mentioned, I felt this gave me a reason to write more than a haiku and was the perfect push to get me out of that fluffy nest.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Awww. So good to hear from you. I wish my arms were long enough to reach you all the way Down Under and give you a big hug. Wow, I just realized that sounded sooo wrong. Australia kind of down under, not the, ahem, other kind.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Bwahaahaaaa…to be honest C, I would take that hug any which way, you sweet thang you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. That’s a wonderful story and a great photo, thanks for sharing that

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Christy,

    Keep pushing. I really enjoyed reading what you had to say.

    And honestly, just throw the guilt out the window. There can be a lot of work involved and this time (accepting your rebound nomination) I’ll also post an open invitation to anyone who wants to join in and leave it at that.

    Off to find five photos. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Five Photos, Five Stories – Day Two: Ice | Dancing Echoes

  13. Very inspiring package about the haiku’s origin and its spontaneous coupling with the morning fog photo to meet this challenge, DE. The story abut your inspiring start to the relationship to the man who is now your husband was warming, too, complete with the manner in which you’ve made sure to keep the record of your courtship poems sent to each other. Very sweet, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank you. It means a lot coming from someone who writes professionally. I meant to mention earlier and forgot. I grew up in Maryland. I did not go the the University of Maryland but many times I wished I had taken that option. It is a great school and idyllic place to grow up.


  15. I am glad I transfered to College Park as a junior, Christy. That prestigious degree in journalism and working part-time at the Washington Post kickstarted my career. And living in that area for four more years after graduation helped me grow up fast, I think. I bet you did have a great time growing up in that area. My friends who did always seemed to have. And from what I’ve read and speculated, you did quite well from your college decision.

    Also what I meant to tell you from this post is that I relate to your number of years with your husband, also. We got married in 2008, together a half-dozen before that …

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: Five Photos, Five Stories – Day Three: Flood | Dancing Echoes

  17. Pingback: Five Photos, Five Stories – Day Four: Portuguese man o’ war | Dancing Echoes

  18. Pingback: Five Photos, Five Stories – Day Five: Double Penetration | Dancing Echoes

  19. I want to do this challenge – how do I get started?

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Pingback: Five Days, Five Photos: Day One – On Diversity | I'm a teacher, again

  21. Awesome! The rules say to post a new photo with a story for five days in a row. It took me a long time to get mine together but I needed to prep ahead because of my work schedule. The topic and format can be anything you want it to be. I usually do haiku with my photos so I always included one with my story but you can write anything you want to write be it poetry or a story (no-fiction or fiction) or any combination. You are supposed to acknowledge the person that nominated you and then for each of the five photo/story days you nominate someone else to do the challenge. In my case I did not feel comfortable nominating folks because I didn’t want anyone to feel obligated if they didn’t want to do it. If you do nominate folks I would suggest you ask them ahead of time if you can -don’t just spring it on them. While I did not directly nominate anyone, I did want to inspire folks who wanted to do it so if you want to name me as your nominator I would be honored. If not, no big deal, just enjoy the challenge! When I set up my challenge I just copied the rules that Clare gave me and you can do the same (you can use the actual rules I posted at the bottom of the piece). I can send you a copy of what Clare did if you would like. I muddled things up a bit by not following the rules original rules. Have fun and I look forward to reading your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I gave it a shot – let’s see if it works, thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Pingback: Five Photos, Five Stories – Bonus Round: Hiding | Dancing Echoes

  24. Lovely! Both the photograph and your story.

    Liked by 1 person

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